The Accessibility Advocate Checklist

Reading Time: < 1 minute
The hand of an Accessibility Advocate checking boxes on a checklist

This Accessibility Advocate Checklist is a compass. A non-thorough and non-technical Accessibility checklist for the person taking the role of Accessibility Advocate in a development team. All steps in this checklist lead to knowledge discovery for the Advocate as well as for team members.


  • Critical user journeys.
  • Testing cases and QA scenarios for Accessibility


  • All User Interface components have Keyboard Accessible Patterns.
  • User journeys are doable using only the keyboard.
  • Keyboard traps do not interrupt or prevent user journeys from being successful.
  • User journeys vocalize properly using a Screen Reader with keyboard navigation.
  • If the project is for government employees in a regulated environment.
  • VPAT document preparedness if required.
  • If we need the services of an Accessibility Test Center for this project.


  • Stakeholders are aware of the consequences of not complying with Accessibility requirements for this project.
  • The team is aware of the WCAG 2.1 level of compliance for this project.
  • Developers know where to find the Success Criteria and Techniques for WCAG 2.1.
  • Team members have a link to a predefined Accessibility Resource Center according to their roles.
  • There is a documented plan for gradually implementing Accessibility (a Roadmap).

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